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Sometimes The Best SEO Strategy Is To Wait…, The Complete Guide to Creating On-Site Reviews+Testimonials..
When Google's Penguin 4.0 update was announced on September 23rd, one of our clients had a number of key pages on its site get deindexed. Their site certainly ..Read More →
Posted by MiriamEllis"Show your site's credibility by using original research, citations, links, reviews and testimonials. An author biography or testimonials ..Read More →
Applying for a new job isn't too different than today's world of online dating. You do a little research to see if you like them and then once you hit submit, ..Read More →
I went to sleep last night jaw wide open having heard Donald Trump do his best imitation of a third world dictator and threaten his political opponent and in t..Read More →
My best friend is missing. Or, at least, I haven't been able to find him for the past 15 years. Search engines. Facebook, linkedin. I searched obituaries. The ..Read More →
Ever since my return from Europe, I've been musing on whether we can only solve our real-time, local information needs through global platforms at scale. Wheth..Read More →
Every industry tends to be insular. Day to day operations dictate the kind of work we focus on, the divisional structure within the company drives the list of ..Read More →
In the modern world, it often seems like it's harder than ever to accomplish your goals. It seems like everyone has already done the thing you want to do — tha..Read More →
Apple states that nearly 1,000 fraudulent reviews were detected — and that they'd given the developer notice and had tried to resolve the issue with him. If th..Read More →
When creating a layout, designers put low-resolution, imperfect, non-final images, all marked "for position only." They exist to help the client understand the..Read More →
"I go to movies expecting to have a whole experience. If I want a movie that doesn't end, I'll go to a French movie. A movie has to be complete within itself; ..Read More →
At the second 2016 U.S. presidential debate, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump clashed over energy policy and climate change, with Trump say..Read More →
To stake its claim in the strategic South China Sea, China is building airstrips, ports, and other facilities on disputed islands and reefs. Scientists say the..Read More →
J.D. Vance grew up in a small, poor city in the Rust Belt of southern Ohio, where he had a front-row seat to many of the social ills plaguing America: a heroin..Read More →
We need a more considered approach to using social media for social justice, says writer and activist Ione Wells. After she was the victim of an assault in Lon..Read More →
While content marketing is one of the key ways to attract new business and generate leads, it's only effective if you know how to do it properly. That means wr..Read More →
Good Monday morning, BloggingPro job hunters. It's that time of the week again when we share some of the best paid blogging jobs from our Job Board. Here's to ..Read More →
Make money by blogging – everyone's doing it, right? At the very least, it seems like everyone has a side project, earning a little extra money by monetizing t..Read More →
QUESTION: Marty, In your September 8 post you said "The Reversals have done a good job and this is actually an appropriate example of how to use them to stay o..Read More →
QUESTION: Many people has written in asking this basic question: "Do you foresee a time when machine logic prevails in economic decisions?" ANSWER: Yes. What w..Read More →
Reporting from Florida, it is starting to smell like something is really rotten with these weather forecasts. The morning Hermine hit Florida on the West Coast..Read More →
Google has been prepping a slew of new products for the limelight and after slowly and (probably) intentionally leaking those over time, it made the official a..Read More →
While display and paid search ads have their place in every digital marketing strategy, social media advertising is often an overlooked paid channel. Paid sear..Read More →
Last week we published the fifth instalment of our complete guide to Google ranking signals. It concentrated on 'duplicate content and syndication' and the pra..Read More →
Responding to a request from the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR), the MPAA has sent in its annual list of notorious markets. In its latest submiss..Read More →
Following a joint investigation with licensing outfit PRS for Music, last September officers from PIPCU and Merseyside police raided an address in Everton, Liv..Read More →
Graham Burke can be accused of many things but moderating his words is certainly not one of them. The outspoken co-chief of media company Village Roadshow has ..Read More →
This week we have three newcomers in our chart. Mechanic: Resurrection is the most downloaded movie. The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by Tor..Read More →
This week's guest on The Digital Entrepreneur is focused. Her focus is on creating a one-on-one relationship with every one of her customers. How? She's doing ..Read More →
Today we're joined by Cory Miller. Cory is a former newspaper journalist turned full-time entrepreneur. In 2008, he started iThemes, which builds web design so..Read More →
In the past, we've laid out how to decide what topic to podcast about and how to decide what your podcast should be about, and we stand behind both pieces of a..Read More →
Chris Voss, best-selling author of Never Split the Difference and former lead international kidnapping negotiator for the FBI joins us for a powerful interview..Read More →
A note: My first book will be out soon! Here's an excerpt from one of the chapters. What was the first thing you ever had to sell? For me, it was Girl Scout co..Read More →
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. The post SearchCap: Google Penguin links, link ..Read More →
When we asked Google's Gary Illyes about Penguin, he said SEOs should focus on where their links come from for the most part but they have less to worry about ..Read More →