MUMSICLE | RAHASIA Muka Mulus Kinclong BEBAS Jerawat/Komedo Semulus Artis Korea!!! Blog ini tentang: Cara Menyembuhkan/Menghilangkan Hitam karena Bekas Jerawat dan Komedo Batu dengan Bahan ALAMI Rumahan
The best new portfolio sites, August 2016, Kohlrabi Slaw, Thinking About SheenOne of the downsides of..
Hello readers! This month, the line between web design and art continues to blur as more designers adopt the post-modern aesthetic for their work. The concept ..Read More →
Sharp eyes may catch that this is basically my recipe for Tartar Sauce, expanded into a salad. And nothing wrong with that! Yes, I would serve it with fish but..Read More →
Thinking About SheenOne of the downsides of shopping online is that you can't easily tell if something has any sheen. Unlike when you're in a store, when you c..Read More →
There are pros and cons to being your own boss. It may sound glamorous, but it often means that you are putting in a lot of overtime to get everything done. ..Read More →
Imagine spending the evening, laying beneath the stars, in your own private treehouse and waking up only to be surrounded by all the wildlife that roams the.....Read More →
// one // Top: Petersyn (shop more here). Skirt (also in blue here). Heels: Alexander Wang (love the low block heel). Sunglasses: Karen Walker. Hat: Eugenia Ki..Read More →
Tweet Happy Monday everyone! As you're reading this, I'm on a flight with Sammie to NYC. The moving truck came a few days ago, so they got a head start. I t..Read More →
Combining a pastel like light blue or blush pink with black can work really well, especially when you have solid black hair (or black bits in your hair). That'..Read More →
In July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that a woman in Miami-Dade County in Florida had tested positive for the Zika virus. Follow-u..Read More →
This post is from Rebel Chef, Noel. Hello brave Rebel. Are you ready for an adventure in knife skills? Imagine this – you're in a kitchen-like dungeon. Torture..Read More →
Let's face it: you've probably spent less time browsing through jewelry store selections than you have discussing the merits of bubble baths with your future f..Read More →
I tried a lot of new beauty products this month. More than usual. Usually, I'll try to work the products I test and try into a specific story… but sometimes I ..Read More →
dress // heels // necklace // bag // cuff // sunglasses As I've gotten older, I've started to really value simplicity. Easy, elegant pieces that always look go..Read More →
Categories Family & Parenting, Harry Krueger, Philosophy, Relax & Be Inspired, Self-Discovery & Empowerment, The Shift, Wake Up9th August 2016 By H..Read More →
Categories Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health, DNA, the Brain & The Human Body, Health, Health & Medical, Nutrition, Wake Up10th August 2016 By Ka..Read More →
Categories Carolanne Wright, Health, Recommended Reading, Society, Wake Up8th August 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World "When an ol..Read More →
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast NewsEvery week, I scour the web to find inspiring outfits on your favorite celebs and help you recreate their looks! This week, I w..Read More →
As you might've noticed, bomber jackets have been on the rise this year, and they're on track to be huuuge this Fall. That's why it's a great time to pick up t..Read More →
Product Information: ASOS, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21Go sleeveless or go home! That's what we always say. Alright, maybe we don't always say that, but in thi..Read More →
Do you remember the time when you could count the number of niche brands on your hands? And there were no perfume forums, or many communication options between..Read More →
Teo Cabanel has just launched two new fragrances and I am very glad to announce them because they are really good and innovative. I am a fan of Teo Cabanel eve..Read More →
The new Jo Malone scent comes out in September 2016 under the name Basil Neroli. After Lime Basil Mandarin from 1999, this is the first fragrance from the coll..Read More →
Not all of us are chypre aficionados. I accept that. I cut my baby teeth on chypres (another of my multiple peculiarities). They always sang to me, and I never..Read More → recently dropped a bold statement: that Justin Bieber and Kanye West have better merch than Drake. But I have another name to add to the ballot: Hill..Read More →
Confession: I've never implemented any particular "strategy" when it comes to budgeting — mainly because I don't really know where to start. You'd think Person..Read More →
Are you happy? I ask myself this question a lot. My answer, for the most part, is yes, but after I read a profile on Marie Kondo in the New York Times Magazine..Read More →
It's always a little bit embarrassing when you want to be someone's friend for no reason other than the fact that she "seems cool," because what the hell does ..Read More →
I have recently rediscovered flip flops. This probably sounds every bit as curious as it is, namely because it seems unlikely that one should have to rediscove..Read More →
There are few things Martha Stewart can't do—she can roll a joint just as perfectly as a batch of cookie dough. And she might be able to put both skills to use..Read More →
If you watched Michael Phelps in the men's 4-by-100 relay at the Olympics last night, you probably noticed that the 31-year-old swimmer looked like he'd been p..Read More →
Welcome to GreatistYou, a new social experiment where we see what happens when five people decide to change their health—and broadcast their journeys for every..Read More →
Like many, I thrive on stress. I do my best work on tight deadlines, I love intense fitness classes, and I often take jobs that require long days and an always..Read More →