MUMSICLE | RAHASIA Muka Mulus Kinclong BEBAS Jerawat/Komedo Semulus Artis Korea!!! Blog ini tentang: Cara Menyembuhkan/Menghilangkan Hitam karena Bekas Jerawat dan Komedo Batu dengan Bahan ALAMI Rumahan
Instagram unveils Stories, for more meaningful sharing, Fabulous Emotions – Number One Fool b/w Funky..
Looking for a new way to experience Instagram and get something more out of it? If you are, then Instagram Stories is just the kind of update that you've been ..Read More →
Clockwise from top left: Thom Bell, Bobby Martin, Sam, Erv & Tom Listen/Download – Fabulous Emotions – Number One Fool MP3 Listen/Download – Fabulous Emoti..Read More →
I ordered this soft utility jacket with pre-fall in mind. It is light enough to wear now. I'm really bad about saving clothes,(As soon as it arrives, I want ..Read More →
romper // wedges // clutch // cuff Outfit posts don't always turn out exactly how you'd like. Case in point: this romper. It's more of a red-orange, so red tha..Read More →
Double dippers are everywhere – the 4th of July barbeque, family reunions, Super Bowl parties, anywhere chips and dip are a staple. These are the people who ta..Read More →
Buying gifts for the woman in your life is never easy. Most women have very firm opinions about what they want and they are not afraid to let you know when you..Read More →
I'm running out of places to store my so-called "collections" - planter pots, Kachina dolls, gemstones, shibori linens . . . I can go on and on. So I'm...Read More →
Illustrator Spring Whitaker is an animal lover and it certainly shows in her work. It's impossible not to fall in love with her two and four legged subjects.....Read More →
Meet stylist Ashley Weston, the women who dresses Hollywood's leading men. The Business of Fashion reports on what it is really like to be a fit model. These h..Read More →
When thinking about how to store your wardrobe items at home, you're faced with one big decision right away. Should you store items seasonally, or keep everyth..Read More →
"Weaving Shibusa" ScreeningFor readers in San Francisco, Self Edge is holding the world premiere of "Weaving Shibusa" this Saturday. Directed by Devin Leisher,..Read More →
Breathability > MaterialThere are a lot of things to look for in a perfect summer jacket – the weight of the material; the fiber in the yarns. A lightweight..Read More →
Rhea Butcher's Comedy HatWhen Rhea Butcher started planning her first comedy album, Butcher, there was one question: what kind of clothing would accompany it?O..Read More →
Categories Cancer, Health, Health & Medical, Nutrition, Plants and Agriculture, Protect Yourself, Recommended Reading, Sayer Ji, Science and Technology, Wa..Read More →
Categories Cannabis & Hemp, Depression, Anxiety & Mental Health, DNA, the Brain & The Human Body, Health, Health & Medical, Science and Technol..Read More →
Categories Lissa Rankin MD, Love & Life, Relationships, Self-Discovery & Empowerment, Wake Up5th August 2016 By Lissa Rankin Guest writer for Wake Up W..Read More →
In case you missed it, Instagram rolled out a new feature called "Stories" this week. Here's a rundown on how it works (especially worth reading if you don't a..Read More →
by Priyunka - University of Texas at Austin, 9 hours ago .Save.Twitter.Facebook
Photo CreditI moved out of my off-campus apartment this past weekend and into my new place just six blocks away, and it was the most stressful thing I've done ..Read More →
Sorry to burst your summer bubble, but with many schools starting in August, it's time to start planning for back to school... or at least use it as an excuse ..Read More →
It's probably one of the most common quandaries in a perfumista's everyday life: we get interested in a particular fragrance, but are unable to test it in the ..Read More →
The packaging design of ck2 reminds me a high-tech cooler bottle carrying the purest drinking water on Earth from remote glaciers, it is shipped by air and its..Read More →
FOX TV series Empire launches its own two fragrances that will be available from September 2016 at Macy's, just before the beginning of the third season of the..Read More →
#DiagnoseTrump started trending on Twitter after Karen Bass, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, posted a petition calling for Donald Tru..Read More →
President Obama knows gender equality is better than it's ever been, but we still have a long road ahead of us. "The progress we've made in the past 100 years,..Read More →
PornHub deserves a gold medal for coming up with the idea of giving everyone in Rio premium access to its website during the 2016 Summer Games. Aptly called th..Read More →
We didn't need a study to prove exercising makes us crave dessert—or really, food in general. After hitting the gym, we are hungry. And that makes sense: We ju..Read More →
Despite my… let's call them varied experiences with dating, I have never had a conversation with my exes like the one I had with my girlfriend last night. At t..Read More →
If this year's election coverage is making your head feel like it's about to spin right off your neck, then take a deep breath, do some neck glides and give me..Read More →
Last night, while poking around Need Supply, it dawned on me that I'd assumed the confident, shuffling gait of a grandmother who loves herself. While I mean th..Read More →
It's time to upgrade your St. Ives Apricot Scrub (the exfoliating weapon of choice since puberty). Meet chemical exfoliants: the Bad Gal RiRi of exfoliators. N..Read More →
When I'm sick, I spend a lot of time resenting my former self for failing to celebrate my good health. Do you do this? Sometimes I have a headache and I wonder..Read More →
As with clothes, the way you decorate a room expresses your personality. In its most ideal form, it signals to guests how you interpret yourself. In round two ..Read More →